Use the forms below to enter parameters for the ranking program    PDF INSTRUCTIONS FOR CPC

Layer to map: 1 = Air Temp, 2 = 2-meter Temp, 3 = Skin Temp, 4 = NASA GISS (late/slow), 5 = Berkeley Earth (late/very slow), 6 = ERSST v.5 SSTs, 7 = SLP, 8 = Height at pressure level (select level), 9 = Temp at pressure level (select level), 10 = U-wind component (select level), 11 = V-wind component (select level),

Choose Theme (1-11):            Detrend Data (0 = No, 1 = Yes):              Data Values Only (0 = No, 1 = Yes):              Save NetCDF (0 = No, 1 = Yes):    Description
Pressure Level: 0 = 1000mb, 1 = 925mb, 2 = 850mb, 3 = 700mb, 4 = 600mb, 5 = 500mb, 6 = 400mb, 7 = 300mb, 8 = 250mb, 9 = 200mb, 10 = 150mb, 11 = 100mb, 12 = 70mb, 13 = 50mb, 14 = 30mb, 15 = 20mb, 16 = 10mb

Note 1: use lower pressure level 0 for surface themes - layers 1, 3, 7, 8, and 10.
Note 2: use only lower pressure level for themes 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 11.
Note 3: use lower and upper pressure levels for themes 12, 13, and 14.

Lower pressure level:       Upper pressure level:
Bounding Coords for Rank Computation
North Lat Left Lon
South Lat Right Lon

This computes a single, rank value for the selected time period.
Click HERE for a blank map with labelled grid lines.

Use Pre-Loaded Shapefile: (0=No, 1=Alaska, 2=Lower 48, 3=U.S./Canada,
4=Arctic Basin, 5=Alaska/NW Canada, 6=Bering Sea, 7=Gulf of AK, 8=Bering+Gulf of AK
9=Entire U.S.A., 10=Europe, 11=Australia, 12=Alaska 200 Miles, 13=Alaska 60N,
14=Global Land, 15=Land 60N, 16=Cen Aleutians, 17=W. Aleutians, 18=E. Aleutians,
19=E. Gulf AK, 20=W. Gulf AK, 21=SE Bering, 22=N. Bering, 23=GOA 2, 24=Bering 2,
25 = Bristol Bay 2, 26 Canada, 27 Yukon R., 28 Copper R., 29 Kusko R., 30 Asia,
31 Boreal, 32 Yukon
Last month to start evaluation (e.g., 2 for Feb):

Number of months (up to 12) to evaluate (e.g., 3 for Dec-Feb):
Begin Climo  

End Climo  
Year of last month for assessment: Map Type: 1=Cyclindrical, 2=North Pole (NH Only), 3=Lambert Equal Area (Best for High Lats):
Manually Enter Map Bounds: 0=No, 1=Yes       North Lat South Lat Left Lon Right Lon
Note 1: Coords only used if map type is Cylindrical (1) or Lambert Equal Area (3).
Note 2: If Using Lambert Equal Area, make sure longitude spread is <= 50° in mid-latitudes.
Year range for trend analysis::  Start (999 is var default)     End
If you change the start date, it changes the start date for ranking maps too.
End date change does not affect end date for rankings.

Analysis Type: 1 = Ranks, 2 = Max Year, 3 = Min Year, 4 = Trend, 5 = std. dev.
Min/Max % >=
Central Longitude for N. Pole maps (0 to 360):         Low Latitude for N. Pole maps (-20 to 70):
Raw data obtained from ESRL. Analysis may not be accurate. Use at your own risk!

   (to reset form, select theme 0 and press button)

Once it starts, DO NOT HIT REFRESH.
The program takes 1-2 minutes to run. If two levels are used, count on 2 minutes.
For NASA GISS temps, 2.5 minutes (1 month) to 10 minutes (12 months).
Wait for completion message and URL below, then scroll down to view map. ....